Thursday, November 28, 2019

26th November Results

With the league leader not playing this week there was a chance for any one of three to make a bid for glory. Alison was aiming to keep things interesting by pegging back the fast finishing Bill.

Well it didn’t quite go according to plan. It was 2-1 to Bill after two ends but the Ice Gods did not shine on Alison’s team and it has to be said Bill’s team were on it. We’ll not dwell on it, 8-1 to Bill, moving on...........

Margaret ( again in the shape of Mike) got off to a blistering start with a five against Campbell. But the wily silver fox wasn’t phased, calmly chipping away at the score. He brought it back to 5-3 at the end of the fourth. That was enough for Mike, he’d given Campbell a sniff of a chance but carefully crafted three singles to take the game 8-3.

What does that all mean with one game to go?

Alison is confirmed as the strongest Skip in the league.
Campbell has played his games and stays fourth
BUT who will come out on top?
Any one of three with Margaret against Bill and Alison in the way of Mara. It’s going to be tight, an evening not to be missed. In fact even if your not playing, come along and see how things unfold. 
It’s going to be exciting! 

19th November Results

Into the last three matches and it’s still all to play for.

Tonight it was clash of the titans stuff with any one of the four teams going, or staying on top. 

Rink 1 was Mara against Margaret (Mike tonight). Looks like it was a right old ding dong with the lead changing almost every end. Mike got off to a fast start with a 3 but Mara dug in and by the fourth end she was ahead 5-4.

It was two ends apiece by the bell and with Mara having the last stone advantage she took a 3 to win 9-7. Phew! Mara back on top.

Bill and Campbell were hoping to have something to say about that. Having peeled their first match earlier in the league, each was out for victory. This was no less a dogged affair. Trading singles through the match they went into the seventh end. Bill was leading 4-2 but Campbell had the hammer. He took a one and shook hands at 3-4. 

Mara stays top of the table but Bill is making a late run...........

Friendly with Darvel - 14 November

Well Folks this is a bit of a catch up so I apologise for this update being a wee bit late.

We had seven participants against a full two rinks from Darvel which may have something to do with the scores. But hey this was a Friendly match! The scores don’t matter, it’s the bonhomie and camaraderie on the ice, the forging of friendships and the banter. Don’t forget the purvey. There’s always a good meal at the end of the evening 😉

So it was a fun evening which is what is most important. Thanks to Mabel, Steve G, the two Jim’s, Mike, Robin and Bill for representing the club.

What! You really want to know more? OK we were in the top two for both matches. Saying no more 😊

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

12th November Results

A short update this week folks as I wasn’t Rinkside to get all the lowdown, updates and gossip!😉

On Rink1 Margaret was up against a revised rink with three of Alison’s team unavailable, so Bert was in the role of Skip. Bit of a one sided match going by the scorecard but I’m sure that’s not a reflection of the action on the ice. However it was Alison’s rink who walked off victors at 11-4.

Rink two saw what is developing into a top of the table battle. Campbell got off to. A flying start taking the first two ends and a 5-0 cushion. However by End 4 Mara has cut that lead to two. But with steady singles in the following three ends Campbell took the match 8-3.

The results meant Campbell and Mara swapped places on the Table with the other three Skips holding station...........for now ;-)

Best you come back next week to see what’s changed, whose on top, whose moving and shaking! Still all to play for 😊

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

5th November Results

Mara and Bill battled it out on Rink 4 with plenty of fireworks in what on paper looks like a runaway victory for Bill at 9-2. An unnamed source said modestly “a stronger team”. Your intrepid reporter was keeping an eye on the match and Mara was in with chances but couldn’t quite get the ice to go in her favour. She might have been glad when the bell went in the seventh end.

On Rink 5 David was standing in for Alison and played a tight tactical game against Campbell. Both teams struggled with the ice (none more than yours truly) and it was 3-3 after four ends. The tactics continued over the next three ends. Campbell had chances to nick a few shots but luck stayed with David who took ones in ends five to seven, coming away with a 6-3 victory.

With Margaret not playing the results meant no changes to the league positions but a condensing of points with Bill catching Campbell. It’s down to Shots and Ends with four games remaining. And now Alison is off the mark.........don’t rule her out! 

Next up, Mara takes on Campbell and Margaret meets Alison, so it could be all change, watch this space!!

Ayr Curling Club Quiz Night

The ACC quiz night was held on 1st November and our club had a good turn out with members represented on four teams.
There were around 100 tickets sold for the evening which was very impressive as was the number of raffle prizes on offer!
A few tricky and maybe even trick questions to get the grey matter going and an occasional “Point of order!” from the floor with plenty of “I knew that!” only after the answers were given.
A huge vote of thanks went to Alison for her organising skills, she hardly had a moment to sit and show her quizzing skills with the amount of running around she had to do.

AND THE WINNERS ARE.............
Yes it was the sextet of Lindsays, Paxtons and Peats who won the quiz, well done to all!  I think it was by one point over a quarter that included Steve Gilles, so a good night for Fullarton. 

Here’s to another fun evening next year and let’s see if Steve can wrestle back his crown 😊