Thursday, September 24, 2020

New Season Update September 2020

Our 2019-20 curling season came to a very abrupt end with the announcement of Lockdown on 23rd March, 2020. 

Our AGM and prize giving were cancelled at very short notice due to the arrival of Covid-19.

The committee were faced with a very difficult decision to suspend the club for the year 2020-21 as so many of our players were unavailable due to concerns about the virus, injuries and some even moving to another area. 

Since then the AGM minutes from 2019 and the audited accounts to March, 2020 have been e-mailed to the members. Prizes have been distributed and the trophies will be delivered as soon as possible. It is anticipated that an extraordinary meeting will be held next March to discuss our way forward. We expect to welcome many of our players back to the ice rink. 

Prize Winners for 2019-20

Autumn League - Mara, Katie, Steven & Richard

Spring League - Joe, Alison, Jennifer and Robin

Points  - Margaret

Doubles  -  Ronnie & Robin Wilson

Well done everyone!