Thursday, November 25, 2021

Sporting play

The seventh match of the league saw Bill taking on Margaret.

First off we must thank Kay and Jack from Disnae for stepping in, without them there would not have been a match.  We hope they will join us again soon. 

On what was a sticky and slow sheet the game got underway. Would the adage “lose the toss, win the game” be apt this evening? Team B were first in the hack. The ice was certainly frustrating deliveries with stones falling short, little draw on the ice and a bit of a guddle developing. 

Seeing what was developing Margaret took the initiative, guarded well and took a single. The second end saw everyone getting their eye in and stones were congregating in and around the house, few opportunities  to exploit the gaps but they were there and once again Margaret took them. A brace in the house and the second end went to Team A.

Every position was hard fought and nothing was taken for granted in the third. Bill was using all his experience to develop a head and shut Margaret out, it was close but another single went the A Team’s way.

In the fourth the match started to swing one way, it was a more attacking approach from Margaret who could see a big score developing in the house. There were some near misses from Anne and Bill, inches away from wicking the scoring stones but those inches meant Margaret took a three.

There still wasn’t much draw in the ice although it was quicker by the fifth end and once again Bill had a difficult task to dislodge the red stones. There was a gap if his stone could draw and tap away Margaret’s lead. What a time for the ice to decide there should be more draw, looking good all the way down the rink, in the last third it took a swing to the right and caught a red, front of house. It was another two for Margaret. 

Bill was not for giving up, he came back in the sixth with some very accurate play, shutting Margaret out and taking a single. Again in the seventh Bill was on top and shut Margaret out of the house. Another one to Team B.

Although the bell had not gone, it was very sporting of Bill to concede at that point. 

This was an important win for Team A but with two matches to go and although out of contention to win the league, Team B can still have a say in this completion. 
Or will it go down to a decider at the last match? 🤔🥌🤔🥌

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Plan A or Plan C?

After the now traditional elbow tapping it was down to business for Alison and Margaret. Determination and concentration were evident and the match was a tight affair initially. 

It was very much nip and tuck in the first three ends with very little in it each time. Both sides had their chances with a mixture of attacking heads and defending precarious positions, even trying not to lose big scores if possible. 

The outcome of all this jousting was that Alison took singles in each end and whilst Margaret was reflecting that the A Team were fortunate only to be three, she was already heading for the half way mark, playing catch up against a focused and accurate playing C Team. 

Something had to change.

Fourth end and Alison has built up a strong head but there was a gap where, if Richard played an accurate draw, the tap up was on and the head would change. With his second stone heading down the ice it was evident there would be a tap up but not the planned for stone. Always have a Plan C!

Tap….that shifted the yellow guard, tap…….that shifted the red behind, crack……the red splits the two C Team yellows and suddenly Margaret is lying two. As in golf, it’s not how they go in!

The comeback was on but some smart tactical play from Alison helped her stretch the lead once again with a two in the fifth. The ends are running out and Alison doesn’t look like she’s giving anything away tonight. 

In the fifth end several stones had slowed up and not made it into the house, in the sixth they were queuing up at the back of the house with stone upon stone nestling together. With the A Team lying but the front of the house still open Alison looked to capitalise. Excellent deliveries well swept into place. Then Margaret seized the initiative, removing Alison without disturbing too many stones at the back and before you knew it she had grabbed a four. 

One up with two to play, never a comfortable position. Once again a crowded house with yellow sitting almost on the button but a couple of reds might cause Alison problems if they could just tap that scoring stone out the way. 

Another splendid delivery from Richard was on line all the way. Looking perfect to tap away the yellow and lie three. At the last gasp, when the sweepers could do no more the stone connected with the two reds, sent them spinning out either side of the house, leaving Alison still lying. Well, what goes around comes around. Having opened everything up Alison grabbed her chances and filled the house with yellow. Having just lost a four, she got them all back, took the lead and was in a strong position to win. 

The eighth end was as tight as the first three, as was the house, stone upon stone, few gaps to exploit and  Margaret needing a three to win. It wasn’t looking hopeful and with some accurate stones from both teams  it was just a single to Margaret. 

9-7 to Alison in a close game and entertaining game.

As we’ve passed the half way point of the league, the table is taking shape but don’t read too much into anything just yet. There is everything to play for. Mathematically any team can still win the league. Tuesday next will be an important match for all three teams………watch this space 😉🥌

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Night Of The Subs

 With Tuesday’s match being so close to Hallowe’en it seemed appropriate to have so many subs guising for their regular team mates! No fancy dress or scary masks to be seen but thanks to all four of you for turning out and ensuring the game went ahead. 

Appropriately, in the first end there seemed to be a ghost in the house as none of the stones wanted to either enter, or stay in it, for very long. The result was a blank end and some blank faces as to who still had the hammer. Quickly resolved and my suggestion that we would be playing an extra end to make up for it drew some looks as cold as the ice itself. Worth a try 😮

The second end was more successful though no less tight as Bert and Bill battled get the first score whilst contending with ice which was not always doing as we had hoped. Bert snuck in with a single.

Bill stormed back with a three in the third, thanks to some accurate stones finding gaps that others couldn’t see. The fourth end was just as tight and with Bill lying but Bert with the hammer, a single with last stone to Team A kept them in the game. 

Bert built up good heads in the fifth and sixth ends, guarding well and testing Bill to try and find ways through as he had earlier. It wasn’t to be and with twos in both ends Bert snuck ahead with two ends to play. 

Roles reversed in the seventh, Bill in command, although he was hoping for more than a single going into the last end. However, two back and needing a three to win, Bill did get off to an encouraging start. There didn’t look like any way in for Bert but it would take the Skips shots to decide if Bill could sneak the three or Bert could reduce the number of scoring stones. 

Bert’s first stone was perfect weight and line, not quite reducing the number of counting stones but giving Bill something to think about. If he could get a nick with his last stone he could possibly remove Bert and get his three...........good weight but would it turn enough..........ohh so close! 

Bill was still lying two but Bert, taking a little less ice delivered another accurate stone and reduced Bill to one.

Bill took the end but the single gave Bert the match at 6-5. 

We are a third of the way through the series and whilst Margaret has a perfect six points, it’s still early days!