At last! Back on the ice after our Christmas break.
Time to experience the new Restriction Guidelines under match conditions with The Two Jims.
The first end was a little bit of a gentleman’s excuse me as sweepers were offering to do their bit.
Will I, will you, no I’ll take this, one at a time remember………and while all that was getting sorted out Jim P took a single.
Clearly he thought he’d try the same tactic in the second end as he cunningly guddled the front of house whilst simultaneously building a head. What’s that? A three already! Swiftly followed by a single and Jim L’s B Team we’re five down having played well and not done much wrong.
Time to fight back!
Some accurate shots and clever tactics gave the B Team a three and then a two. So after five ends - five all. A fair position for both teams who were matching each other almost shot for shot. However it was the B Team who struck out again and took a two putting them ahead by two with two ends to go.
End seven was a tight affair each team knocking stones out, front of house well guarded but a couple, of gaps to exploit. With Jim Ls last stone he really had a shot to nothing, get it through the gap on the left and sit on the button to lie one and hope that Jim P wouldn’t match him. That would mean losing a three and guess what………Team A took the three thanks to dead eye JP!π₯π₯π₯
The final end was similarly tight and tactical but with his last stone Jim L had a chance for glory. Tap the scoring red stone out and he’d lie two, taking the match.
The stone was good, the line was right, the sweeping was perfect, avoiding the guards and heading straight to that pesky red. Tap. It had gone and the yellow was spinning in towards the four foot. Excellent.
But dear reader that was not the end. For the stone kept spinning, towards the button and the scoring yellow. They touched, they slid and we watched as they both passed the four, the eight, the rink and out of play!!!!
Still dear reader that was not the end ……… the almost perfect stone, an inch away from greatness had cleared the house of yellows and left five, yes FIVE red stones. As I write there are still tears streaming down my cheeks πππππ
Congratulations A Team, what a great game!
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